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Help Sanibonani Create Living Art

Your tax-deductible donation makes it possible

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Sanibonani - Hello how are you?

Collaboration can be a powerful tool for creativity and innovation. By working together, we can create a body of work that is both entertaining and educational, helping to deepen our understanding of the past and inspire us to build a better future.

Sanibonani, which just simply means “Hello how are you?” in Zulu, is an innovative musical theater production in development from lead artists Tumelo Michael Moloi and Joshua Caraco. Lane Arts Council is the fiscal sponsor for Sanibonani which is a project supported by a Creative Heights Grant from the Oregon Community Foundation. But projects of this scope are costly for independent self producing artists!

Your tax deductible donation helps us bring together individuals with different backgrounds, skills, and perspectives to create a rich and diverse tapestry of sounds and ideas that brings history to life in a unique and compelling way. Ten percent of your tax deductible donation goes to Lane Arts Council while the rest goes directly to the costs of renting a theater, presenting the best costumes and props, and paying this diverse and talented group of artists and arts professionals.

If you're passionate about music, history, and collaboration, consider joining us on this exciting journey of exploration and discovery. Together, we can create something truly special that tells the stories of our past in a way that resonates with audiences today and for generations to come.